
12 Practical Tips to Improve your Literacy

Okay-okay, mixing up ‘you’re’ and ‘your’ is not about you, and neither are ‘who’ and ‘which’, ‘during’ and ‘for’ and many other silly mistakes people make. Nonetheless, impeccable literacy is a thing hardly achievable. Even Harvard professors are not literacy gods. All we, mere mortals, can do is live and learn. Here are a few tips to help you improve your literacy skills.

read books

1. Quite obviously, read books.

Never underestimate reading. In most cases, correct word choice is something acquired from books. When using an e-book, set a hard-to-read font. This way you will retain information more efficiently.

2. Literacy courses.

As a rule, educational establishments and other organizations provide courses for kids and adults. Check whether you have such opportunities in your area.

3. Online courses.

Even better. You can improve your literacy without leaving home. There are various opportunities (such as Exploring the English Language delivered by The Open University) available so that you could choose the most appropriate one.

4. Online resources.

If you are not ready to spend time on an entire course, there are educational videos available. For instance, BBC offers educational videos in several categories like reading, writing, spelling, word grammar, sentence grammar, and speaking and listening.

5. Mobile applications.

Improve your literacy skills on the go by downloading an application and using it wherever you are. There are numerous spelling apps that will help you broaden your vocabulary.

6. Write at least a paragraph of text every day.

No matter what you write, just do it. Don’t forget to check any grammar rules you doubted in the process. Soon enough, you will understand what gives you the biggest trouble.

7. Turn off the automatic spell check.

If you write something using a word processor, turn off the automatic spell check. Correct any mistakes you can identify yourself and then ask the program for help. Analyze where you were wrong.

8. Watch documentaries, preferably with subtitles.

As a rule, documentary programs have sophisticated and 100% correct language. Your literacy skills can benefit from it significantly.

9. Get someone to help you write dictations.

It sounds like a daunting thing to do, but in the end it will help you become a much better writer. Do it at least once of two times a week.

10. Get a tutor.

Yes, it is expensive. However, if you ask a smart friend to help you, it might reduce the cost significantly.

11. Find online communities and entrust yourself into the hands of Grammar Nazis.

It does sound like a writer’s suicide, but the efficiency of this extreme measure can’t be denied.

12. Last but not least, play games.

Some of them are so rich with descriptions and explanations that you spend a great deal of time just reading, and reading was the first point in this list.

improving literacy

Good luck! 🙂

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